Psychotherapy Services for Abuse: Do They Really Help?

Psychotherapy services are often sought out as a way to deal with abuse. It is an umbrella term that refers to a wide variety of treatments, many of which have been shown to be effective in helping people who have experienced abuse. However, not everyone who needs psychotherapy will get the help they need. This blog post will explore why people might not seek out or receive the psychotherapy they need, and how we can change that.


There are a number of reasons why people might not seek out or receive the psychotherapy they need. One reason is that they may not be aware that such services exist. Another reason is that they may not feel comfortable talking about their experiences with someone not a part of their immediate family or social circle. Some people may believe that psychotherapy will not be effective for them and thus, do not see the point in seeking it out.

Why shouldn’t you go to therapy with an abuser?

An abuser may use what is said in therapy later against their partner. Therapy can make a person feel vulnerable. If the abuser is embarrassed or angered by something said in therapy, he or she may make their partner suffer to gain back the sense of control. Also, the facilitator may
not know about the abuse, which would make the entire process ineffective. The abuser may make their partner seem responsible for the problems, and if the therapist does not realize that abuse is present, her or she may believe the abuser.

These are all valid reasons why someone might forego seeking out psychotherapy services. However, there are ways to overcome these barriers. For example, education and awareness campaigns can help to let people know that these services exist and how they can help. Additionally, creating safe spaces for people to talk about their experiences can help to reduce the stigma and make it more likely that people will seek out the help they need.

What is one type of therapy for abuse?

Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Trauma-focused CBT helps a child who has been abused to better manage distressing feelings and to deal with trauma-related memories.

Talking with a mental health professional can:
• Help a child who has been abused learn to trust again
• Teach a child about healthy behavior and relationships
• Teach a child conflict management and boost self-esteem

Another type of therapy that may be effective:
Child-parent psychotherapy. This treatment focuses on improving the parent-child
relationship and on building a stronger attachment between the two.

Psychotherapy also can help parents:
• Discover the roots of abuse
• Learn effective ways to cope with life’s unavoidable frustrations
• Learn healthy parenting strategies

If you or someone you know is struggling with abuse, please reach out to us for help.
Psychotherapy services can be incredibly helpful, and some people care and want to help. You
are not alone. [email protected]